About Us

Serving the legal community in the 20th Judicial Circuit since 1993, we are committed to providing you with professional court reporting and transcription services utilizing the latest available technology. Our knowledgeable and experienced stenographic reporters have a well-deserved reputation for excellence in providing timely, accurate, and cost-effective transcripts for our clients.

A certified accurate transcript is a practical necessity, not a luxury. In most cases transcript costs are similar regardless of the method used for making the record. However, live court reporters sort and discriminate between testimony and background noise, can ask that inaudible or heavily accented speech be repeated and technical terms clarified. They do not inadvertently record attorney-client exchanges, can read back from any portion of the notes, or can display them on computer screens for others to read and provide realtime translation.

Our team and independent contract reporters:

Our Team

Jackie Burrell, RMR, RPR, FPR

Court Reporter/Owner

Heather Shelton, CSR, RPR

Court Reporter

Christi K. Cole, FPR

Court Reporter

Lisa M. Rollins, RPR, FPR

Court Reporter

Kimberly Westberry, RPR, CRR

Court Reporter

Angela Klein, RPR, FPR

Court Reporter

Melissa Meeks, RPR

Court Reporter

Lisa M. Boyd, RPR, FPR, CMRS

Court Reporter

Amy Yarbrough, FPR-C

Court Reporter/Past FCRA President

Jacqueline Hillman, RPR

Court Reporter

Marianne Sayers

Court Reporter

Gerard (Bo) Kriegshauser, RPR, CCR, CLVS

Court Reporter

Amy E. St. James, CSR

Court Reporter

Julie D. Zittlow, RPR, CSR, FPR

Court Reporter

Janice Humble, RPR, CLVS

Court Reporter

Julia M. Bingham

Court Reporter (Retired)

Angela Manolas, RPR

Court Reporter

Susan Simonetti

Court Reporter

Bridget R. Stevens, CSR

Court Reporter

Becky Crane, RPR

Court Reporter

Terri Lewis, RPR, FPR

Court Reporter

Nancy Bernardo

Court Reporter

Tina Monday

Court Reporter

Maggie DeMarco

Court Reporter

Dawn Roush, FPR

Court Reporter

Brittney Lurie, FPR

Court Reporter

Theresa Schiff, RPR, CRR, FPR, CSR

Court Reporter

Deborah Bruns, FPR

Court Reporter

Aubree Burrell


Trish Suda


Kathy Miguel Lopez

Office Manager

Brittany Ferguson

Billing Manager

Lauren Sandler

Ann Stevens


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