Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX

Map of Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano

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Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX

Zip Code Korean vs State vs National
1.75023 1.71%0.73% ( +0.975 ) #110 1.31% ( +0.399 ) #2,761
2.75025 1.25%0.73% ( +0.520 ) #186 1.31% ( -0.055 ) #3,852
3.75093 1.19%0.73% ( +0.451 ) #205 1.31% ( -0.124 ) #4,057
4.75024 1.10%0.73% ( +0.361 ) #225 1.31% ( -0.214 ) #4,362
5.75074 1.09%0.73% ( +0.358 ) #226 1.31% ( -0.217 ) #4,376
6.75075 0.70%0.73% ( -0.035 ) #383 1.31% ( -0.611 ) #6,464
7.75094 0.41%0.73% ( -0.324 ) #571 1.31% ( -0.899 ) #9,105

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Common Questions

What are the Top 5 Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX?

Top 5 Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX are:

What zip code has the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX?

75023 has the Highest Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX with 1.71%.

What is the Percentage of Korean Population in Plano, TX?

Percentage of Korean Population in Plano is 1.19%.

What is the Percentage of Korean Population in Texas?

Percentage of Korean Population in Texas is 0.73%.

What is the Percentage of Korean Population in the United States?

Percentage of Korean Population in the United States is 1.31%.

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