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Some of the Gradescope features shown in these videos may only be available with an Institutional license or Gradescope Institutional Trial.
This video shows the basics of grading with Gradescope. You'll see how to:
In our shortest video, you'll learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to grade even more quickly. We also have a handy image for reference.
This video goes over how to change rubric settings, make student-specific point adjustments and comments, grade in parallel with multiple graders, and create groups of rubric items.
Gradescope offers freehand annotation tools and flexible page viewing to support the instructor’s feedback and grading needs.
This video shows how to annotate directly on a student submission and change the page view to focus on a single question, a whole page, or any other pages in a student submission.
To speed up grading, Gradecope offers answer grouping and AI-Assisted answer grouping features for fixed-template assignments.:
This video shows how to set up, review, and grade student submissions using manual answer grouping or AI-Assisted answer grouping for a fixed-template assignment.
Adding course staff and importing a large number of students is simple to do in Gradescope. Here's the sample roster used in the video.
This video shows how to upload your exam template and create the question outline. Here's the sample template used in the video.
This video shows you how to enable your students to submit their work to Gradescope and how to create the question outline. Gradescope supports both fixed-length (worksheet style) and variable-length (problem sets, projects) student-uploaded assignments. Here's the sample template used in this video.
Online assignments (in public beta) have a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, short answer, check boxes, and file/image uploads, that students can answer directly within the interface by typing, selecting, or uploading their responses.
This video shows how to create questions, set correct answers, and grade submissions for an online assignment.
Gradescope programming assignments work with all programming languages and can be graded manually, with a code autograder, or use a combination of the two. Code similarity reports are also generated to flag potential plagiarism cases for instructors to review.
This video shows how to create a programming assignment, grade submissions with a code autograder or manually, and review code similarity reports for potential plagiarism cases.
For more information on building code autograders, check out our Gradescope Autograder documentation.
Bubble sheet assignments are for multiple choice assignments or exams and come with a bubble sheet template to use. Instructors will predefine an answer key (up to five versions) that Gradescope uses to grade students’ multiple choice responses automatically.
This video shows how to use a bubble sheet template, define the answer key, set scoring defaults for full or partial credit answers, and view assignment statistics or item analysis data.
This video shows you how to create an assignment meant to be completed by a group of students. You will see how both instructors and students set up their group submissions.
This video shows how to submit work to Gradescope as a student via the Gradescope Mobile App.
The Gradescope Mobile App allows students to upload work without the use of a scanner or third party app. This makes uploading handwritten work more convenient and protects students’ privacy by keeping their work in Gradescope. Learn more about the mobile app in our help center.
This video shows how to submit a variable-length assignment (i.e. a homework with no fixed page number) as a student by using the Gradescope website.
Having a high quality scan is an important step in submitting assignments. For students who are scanning handwritten work, we recommend using the Gradescope Mobile App.
This video shows how to complete an online assignment on Gradescope as a student. Online assignment allow students to submit responses to various types of questions directly on the Gradescope site, including questions where students upload an external file.
This video shows how to review published grades, rubrics, and feedback on Gradescope as a student. It also covers how to submit regrade requests as a student, if regrade requests have been enabled for the assignment.
Scanning exams, demonstrated on the ScanSnap ix500 Take a look at our favorite settings for this model.
After the exams are scanned in, they can be uploaded in batches. We'll attempt to automatically split the scanned pages into submissions. We will then automatically attempt to match each submission to a student in your roster, and you'll be able to manually match any remaining submissions. You can download the two batches used in this video: first and second.
After grading is complete, all data can be downloaded from Gradescope in CSV format. Conveniently, students can be notified of the availability of their graded assignment via Gradescope via email and can review their scores online. If you'd like to disable regrade requests for an assignment, you can do so from the Regrade Requests page.
Once grades have been released, students have the option to submit regrade requests. Gradescope allows instructors to easily change students' grades and submit responses to the requests.
Once grading is complete for an assignment, you can go to the Assignment Statistics page to get further insights into what your students have learned and where they are potentially struggling. You can view statistics at the assignment level or at the question/rubric item level, and you can also tag questions with concepts, learning objectives, book chapters, etc., and then view statistics by tag.